Small Things and Big Whales 🐳

Small Things and Big Whales 🐳

The Life Story of St. Dominic Savio

Salesians of Don Bosco, USA West

Saint Dominic Savio is a wonderful hero for young people today.  This teenage saint's way to holiness was to live the spirituality that was shared with him by St. John Bosco and his Salesians, basically a life lived simply by doing the everyday duties of life in an extra ordinary way.

…Imagine a boy of ten trudging a total of twelve miles to and from school every day for a whole school year. That's what Dominic Savio did, because the school he attended was three miles away from home, and he had to go and come twice a day. On one very hot day an elderly man met him and asked, “Aren't you afraid to walk so far alone on this country road?”

“I’m not alone,” replied Dominic. “I have my guardian angel with me.”
“But surely you find the journey long and tiresome in this very hot weather!”
“I work for a Master who pays well.”
“And who is your master?”
“God is my master.”

While full of energy and ready to join in any game with his friends, Dominic’s health was weak. The long walk every day took its toll. The next year his parents decided to move from Murialdo to another village called Mondonio to be closer to school. (30 Minute Read)

(Image courtesy of @becomeasaint on Instagram)

“At the judgment the men of Nineveh will arise with this generation and condemn it, because at the preaching of Jonah they repented, and there is something greater than Jonah here.”
– Luke 11:32

There is Something Greater Than Jonah Here

Dan McFeely
Writer, editor, spiritual director

Which brings us to James Bartley, a legendary fisherman who in 1891 was swallowed whole by a giant sperm whale off the Falkland islands – and lived to tell about it.

The story – as reported in a newspaper in England – is that the whale died and the crew of the ship – Star of the East – pulled the whale on board and began to cut  into its massive flesh, only to find Bartley alive inside.

Bartley, the story goes, was left blind and a little bleached (due to gastric acid) but live for many more years. (3 Minute Read)

When Beauty Met Truth

Lauren Santos
Catholic artist @whenbeautymettruth

I love JPII’s Letter to Artists. It is a reminder to let God use your daily struggles and triumphs to paint divine brush strokes on the canvas of your life. For it is in viewing the glorious portrait of each saint, that we see before us a distinct picture of the risen Christ, allowing the viewer to more fully know a different facet of God through His creation. Each masterpiece is uniquely different and yet they are all clearly created by the hand of the same Artist. Therefore, giving the viewer a clearer image not of the subject, but of the Artist Himself.

For so too is it the same when we look upon the repetitious and gloomy portrait of each tyrant and evil doer, that we see a distinct image of the devil. For he cannot create all things new but only repeat evil with predictable similarity. We each of us leaves a portrait, that bears the image of which painter we let color and shape our lives. Who are you letting create a fuller image of himself? Is it God or is it someone else? It’s never too late to ask the Artist to begin a masterpiece in you. 🎨

(Instagram: @whenbeautymettruth, Website:

Madonna of Kiev & 1987 Apparitions in the Ukraine

Fr. Mark Goring
Companions of the Cross

Listen to Fr. Mark share about this renowned icon and its particular significance to Russia and Ukraine. Let us ask the intercession of Madonna of Kiev for peace, conversion, and an end to war (3 Minute Video).

Resolution Inspiration

Fasting from my unkind words, the words that judge my brethren in this world. When tempted to say something, I’ll elevate a prayer so the Holy Spirit floods their soul.
– Wanda
Fasting from instant gratification. Rather than instantly looking something up to find an answer to a fleeting curiosity, slowing down and remaining with Jesus in the discomfort of not knowing.
– Joseph
I am participating in 40 Days for Life again; I will write an actual letter or note to at least one family member or friend each week as well as call on the phone.
– Gina
Stop gossiping TODAY. Pray for those who have wronged me or do not agree with me. Pray for the grace to stop the habit of gossiping once and for all. Mother Mary help me in this resolution.
– Maria

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A newsletter may feel static and one-directional, but there's nothing stopping us from praying for one another! If there are any intentions you would like this community to pray for, email us at and we'll be sure to include them here on future days. We will use your first name and last initial or "Anonymous" if you prefer—just let us know!

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