Tech, Theophany, and Relationships

Tech, Theophany, and Relationships
Source: Wikimedia Commons

Why is St. Isidore of Seville patron saint of the internet? (He's also one of the patrons of Catholify!)

Inspiring Catholic Spirituality, Lifestyle, News & Culture stories

Isidore was the Archbishop of Seville during the 7th century. He was a great scholar whose encyclopedic knowledge was far reaching.

Before his death, Isidore wrote a collection of books called Etymologiae, which was “a vast storehouse in which is gathered, systematized, and condensed, all the learning possessed by his time. Throughout the greater part of the Middle Ages it was the textbook most in use in educational institutions.”

Interestingly enough, Isidore did not contain himself to only theological topics, but successfully collected information on all subjects, both secular and religious. Pope Benedict XVI explained in a General Audience, “The wealth of cultural knowledge that Isidore had assimilated enabled him to constantly compare the Christian newness with the Greco-Roman cultural heritage, however, rather than the precious gift of synthesis it would seem that he possessed the gift of collatio, that is, of collecting.”

For this reason, Isidore has been regarded as the patron saint of the internet. He was, in a certain sense, a human “Wikipedia,” possessing a vast storehouse of information on every topic available.
(2 Minute Read)

Need some more love in your life? Feel a little closer to the Holy Families' hearts with this sweater!

The Cradle Catholic
Catholic art & lifestyle
Source: The Cradle Catholic

The Appearances of God

David Schloss
Faith is not the absence of reason, but its fulfillment
Source: Summa Catholic on Patheos

Perhaps the most dramatic and poignant verses in the Bible occur when God appears to a human being. These appearances, known as theophanies, are of great interest to theology and play a significant role in understanding Catholicism.

A combination of two Greek words, theophany means an appearance of God. Strictly speaking, theophany occurs when God appears in an observable way to human beings. Thus, theophany should not be confused with an allusion or dream, but rather theophany is a visible manifestation that communicates the character and presence of God.
(6 Minute Read)

“Jesus spoke to them again, saying, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'”
– Jn 8:12

St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us!

Brick House in the City
Helping women wear their faith on their sleeve.
Source: Instagram @brickhouseinthecity
If you haven't read St Francis of Assisi's "Letter to All the Friars", I highly recommend. Short but powerful read. 💚

Intentionality in Relationships

Jump! Into Catholicism
Podcast about Catholicism, relationships, and more

Intentionality seems to be a lost art in this world, but we hope to revive it! Here's some tips on how we can improve your relationships by being intentional in both your friendships and romantic relationships.
(21 Minute Listen)


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