Living the Gospel in the Face of Adversity

Living the Gospel in the Face of Adversity
St. Oscar Romero (Source: Instagram @amberknorrart)
“A church that does not provoke any crisis, preach a gospel that does not unsettle, proclaim a word of God that does not get under anyone's skin or a word of God that does not touch the real sin of the society in which it is being proclaimed: what kind of gospel is that?” -St. Oscar Romero

Painting of St. Oscar Romero by Amber Knorr.

Why We Need St. Oscar Romero

Katie Cassady
Author and blogger at Blessed Is She

If Oscar Romero is a familiar name to you, you’re likely familiar with his iconic black-framed glasses and his powerful words spoken on behalf of those on the margins. If not, here is a quick glimpse at the man we celebrate today. Either way, let us sit together with the challenge he lays before us:

God is not satisfied with appearance. God wants the garment of justice. God wants Christians dressed in love. -Saint Oscar Romero

Romero was and continues to be a figurehead of what the Gospel looks like when it is lived out, particularly in the face of social sin. This speaks to both the beauty and risk that Christians in positions of authority face while taking up the cause of the people they represent. Like all saints, Oscar Romero’s life was a witness to love made manifest by Jesus Christ.
(5 Minute Read)

“Whoever is not with me is against me,
and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”
– Lk 11:23

Pray the Mass like never before

Does Mass sometimes feel like a chore? Have you ever left Mass thinking you didn't get anything out of it? Enjoy and really meditate on this powerful talk by Father Mike addressing these issues and how we can grow in our worship of God. (45 Minute Video)

The hidden treasures of sea glass

Annie's Sea of Glass
Sea glass artist

Finding sea glass is like looking for hidden treasure. Most people don't notice the colorful specks of jewels lying amid the rocks and sand on the beach.  Creating art with sea glass is a way of bringing that hidden beauty to light, showcasing the often unseen in a new way.

I've been collecting sea glass, rocks and other beach debris on the shores of Lake Michigan since 2007 and, through the encouragement of a friend, began to create art with it in 2014.  In a small way, I feel that what I do is a means of glorifying God, bringing that which is hidden to light, giving new life to something that had been broken and creating beauty, joy and wonder from something that had once been considered useless.

Annunciation Novena in Preparation for Consecration of Ukraine and Russia – Day 8


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen ✝

I greet you, Ever-blessed Virgin, Mother of God, Throne of Grace, miracle of Almighty Power! I greet you, Sanctuary of the Most Holy Trinity and Queen of the Universe, Mother of Mercy and refuge of sinners!

Most loving Mother, attracted by your beauty and sweetness, and by your tender compassion, I confidently turn to you, miserable as I am, and beg of you to obtain for me from your dear Son the favor I request in this novena: for the consecration of Russia and Ukraine to your Immaculate Heart.

Obtain for me also, Queen of heaven, the most lively contrition for my many sins and the grace to imitate closely those virtues which you practiced so faithfully, especially humility, purity and obedience. Above all, I beg you to be my Mother and Protectress, to receive me into the number of your devoted children, and to guide me from your high throne of glory.

Do not reject my petitions, Mother of Mercy! Have pity on me, and do not abandon me during life or at the moment of my death. Amen.

This Lent, let us ask ourselves daily: are you willing to live radically for the Gospel?


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