Casimir and Coffee ☕️

Casimir and Coffee ☕️
St. Casimir / Jordan Avery Art / @jordanaveryart
Jordan Avery
Catholic artist, Jordan Avery Art

March 4 is the memorial of Saint Casimir (1458-1484) This 15th-century Polish prince ascended the throne of Hungary at the age of 13 only to return a refugee to his homeland after a failed military campaign. This experience caused Casimir to reject war for the rest of his life. The gentle prince was well-read, highly intelligent and had a particular inclination toward justice.  His love for God was also evident and widely known.  He would spend hours at a time in prayer. He also lived an austere lifestyle with frequent fasting before he contracted lung disease at the age of 25 and passed away due to his weakened health.  He was canonized in 1522 and is a patron of Poland and Lithuania.

“Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bride-groom is with them? The days will come when the bride-groom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.”
– Mt 9:15

Gospel Reflection

Jennifer Ristine
Author, writer, spiritual director / Lamps Lit

This passage is not so much about rules of fasting as it is about recognizing who Jesus is. Jesus is the bridegroom. In the Old Testament, God made a covenant with his people. The covenant, more than a mutual agreement, was a spousal-like commitment between God and his people that culminated with Jesus’s loving self-gift on the Cross. Salvation history is a love story between God and us.
(3 Minute Read)

Lent at Brother Andre’s Cafe

Julia Fieldhammer
The joyful staff at Brother Andre’s Cafe

As mentioned previously, a large part of Lent is sacrifice. In giving up something you really enjoy, denying yourself, your struggle with that temptation is a sacrifice to God, which brings you closer to Him. Since I have Diabetes, it can be really hard to find something to give up because I need to eat certain foods - but with a little extra thought, I make it work along with other acts of sacrifice.

Lent isn’t only about giving something up, it’s about growing closer to God. I really want to strengthen my relationship with God, and Lent is the perfect time to do that! One way I’ve started to do this recently is by doing a daily reading from a prayer book that includes several Bible verses. It’s already helped my relationship with Him!  (2 Minute Read)

Brother Andre's is a Catholic cafe providing employment opportunities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), promoting products from vulnerable communities in developing countries and providing a place of community and Christian fellowship. Give alms to this incredible mission and get beans in return! Shop Now

Finding God in the Abundance

Rachel Wong
Writer, speaker, host at Feminine Genius Podcast

My face as Sister Josephine was speaking truth into my life and I started connecting all the dots: 😮

I got a lot of chills during this interview, and in re-listening to it while I was editing I was continually struck by this word: abundance.

We live in an economy of scarcity. This product is going to sell out fast, so you better by it now. There isn't enough hours in a day to do all the things. If I don't take up this opportunity to advance myself, then I will never get an opportunity like this ever again. I don't want to go out with my friends because I feel burnt out, but if I don't go out I'll get major FOMO.

I project the scarcity of the world onto God most days. His grace is going to run out on me. His love extends to everyone else, except me. He's not going to be there for me when I really need Him.

We tend to seek God out in the scarcity, perhaps out of fear that we're operating on our final lifeline to Him.

But this is the same God who sent His only son into the world to die for us and redeem us. Even if it was only you on the earth, He would do it again and again.

I am captivated by Jesus hanging on the cross: His arms outstretched in bitter agony and horrific suffering. But lately, all I can hear Him say to me is this: "This, and so much more."

This, and so much more. God is abundant, overflowing, over the top, magnificent.

God is love. God is mercy. God is everything: and He will never run out.

More Resolution Inspiration

Go to bed at 10pm sharp so that mornings can be early and prayerful. A real sacrifice for this night owl!
– Dan
More time reading inspirational books from the saints, rosary and chaplet every day. This will require me to spend less time watching TV and more time working on my relationship with Our Lord.
– Dae
"Keep my phone/ipad/computer out of my room and praying a Litany of Humility every day"
– Anonymous

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