Carry Your Cross and the Holy Heiress

Carry Your Cross and the Holy Heiress
St. Katharine Drexel / Be A Heart

Today is the feast of St. Katharine Drexel, the "Holy Heiress" who was born in 1858 to a very wealthy family. It was a great shock to the world when she left it all behind to become a missionary nun committed to helping the poor and people affected by racial injustices, especially Black Americans and Native Americans. She was canonized by Pope Saint John Paul II in 2000 making her the second American-born saint.

(2 Minute Read / Be A Heart)

If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.
– Luke 9:23-24

Speaking of cross carrying…

Carry Your Cross is reminding us—especially men—through media and apparel of the virtuous significance of self-denial. Check them out and sharpen your fasting game for Lent with their Fasting 101 Guide. Here's an excerpt:

When we take away what our body wants, it quiets down. Our souls become stronger and prayer becomes more powerful. It is a transformative experience and a powerful spiritual weapon that helps order our flesh that tries to control us.

(4 minute read / Carry Your Cross)

Something for the single ladies

Clarissa Christensen is a counselor, coach, author and podcast host specializing in women's relationship discernment through her organization, Ignite Your Worth.

"It’s my mission in life to help Catholic and Christian women of all ages thrive in their single lives."

Imagine bringing childlike joy into this Lent…

Photo by Bobby Kenney III
Have you ever contemplated a child’s interior life? They don’t fear and worry like us adults do. They aren’t anxious about what they are going to do with their life. They trust that they will be guided and provided for. They have peace and are able to be present. They are able to rejoice and have fun in the daily life. Life is meant to be joyful. It’s meant to be a great adventure. If we seek guidance from the Lord as children do from their parents, and fully trust Him to lead us and provide for us, life would be full of joy and adventure, every single day.

“Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.”
Then he embraced them and blessed them, placing his hands on them.
- Mark 10:15-16

Photo & reflection by Bobby Kenney III, Catholic photographer. Check out his website and follow Bobby on Instagram @bobbykenney3 (social link intentionally removed for those of you staying off social media for Lent)!

Resolution inspiration

Yesterday we asked you to send in some of your Lenten resolutions. If you aren't sure yet what to add or give up, here's some inspiration from fellow Harvesters:

Fast from complaining; I need to be like Jesus, the Lamb who was silent before His accusers.  Whenever I want to complain, I will praise God and thank Him for specific blessings.
– Gina
Don't speak. If I speak, speak softly 🤫
– Ava
Less drinking, stop selfishness, help the needy, fast and pray more
– Wade

Now go grab your coffee and wipe the rest of those ashes off. You missed a spot 🤪
