Beauty Hidden and Discovered through Structure

Beauty Hidden and Discovered through Structure
Source: Instagram @pelicanprinteryhouse

Unseen Rules and Guidelines Behind It All

Illustration and Letterpress Card Design
Art that is truly free and expressive and radiant actually rests upon hidden rules or guidelines which may or may not be seen or heard in that art.
...Chesterton wrote in his book Orthodoxy that the rules, the guidelines if you will, the doctrine and discipline of Christianity may indeed appear to be rigid walls, BUT he says, “they are the walls of a playground.”
He continues, and this is my favorite especially as it relates to the freedom of expression and voice that I find in classical art: “The outer ring of Christianity is a rigid guard of ethical abnegations… but inside that inhumane guard you will find the old human life dancing like children…”
So, this is a slow work.... Guidelines first. Fun stuff after that. ...rubricating, gilding, ornamental letters, vine work, coat of arms, and finally, illustrations.
Inside those walls, we dance. This is true freedom.

“But the tax collector stood off at a distance
and would not even raise his eyes to heaven
but beat his breast and prayed,
‘O God, be merciful to me a sinner.’
I tell you, the latter went home justified, not the former;
for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled,
and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”
– Lk 18:13-14

St. Margaret Clitherow - The Pearl that was Crushed
Nonprofit sharing Our Lord and other resources
Source: Wikimedia Commons
St. Margaret – "The Pearl of York" – is considered the first woman martyred under Queen Elizabeth's religious suppression. Margaret was raised a Protestant but converted to Catholicism about two to three years after she was married.
When laws were passed against Catholics, Margaret was imprisoned several times because she did not attend Protestant services. Other laws were passed which included a 1585 law that made it high treason for a priest to live in England and a felony for anyone to harbor or aid a priest. The penalty for breaking such laws was death. Despite the risk, Margaret helped and concealed priests. Margaret said "by God's grace all priests shall be more welcome to me than ever they were, and I will do what I can to set forward God's Catholic service."
(3 Minute Read)

Aiming to Ignite the Imagination of Our Civilization through Poetry

Dragon Common Room
Poets preserving English literary tradition in the public sphere
In a minefield of explosive ideas and corrected speech, it often seems that one word can be enough to provoke the wrath of a dragon. The Dragon Common Room emerged in AD 2020 as a digital den of mischievous trolls, meme lords, culture vultures, gif pirates, history buffs, religious zealots, and Tolkien fans, who found themselves assembled in a Telegram chat room to defend the Good, True, and Beautiful in their dark corner of the internet.

Miss the Worldwide Act of Consecration Yesterday? Pray it today!

Rest assured that our God and our prayers work outside of time – don't be afraid to join in consecrating yourself, the world, and Russia + Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

meme time:

See ya Monday 👋


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