Introducing: The Harvest

Introducing: The Harvest

Starting Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022 (Ash Wednesday), we are excited to debut The Harvest—a daily Lenten roundup of hand-picked inspiration from Catholic creators, artists, authors and leaders—delivered straight to your inbox! 💌

But why?

At Catholify, our mission is to improve the Church and the culture through innovative tech. One of the biggest problems we see with the countless fruits being produced by the Church is discovery. We are not an isolated or dying Church, we simply need betters tools to discover and unite us around what's already there! 🙌

Often times we get swept away online—even if the content we are consuming is good. Rather than spending too much time on social media this Lent, we want to give you a refreshing alternative to still get a daily "feed fix"—but one that stretches far beyond who you currently follow!

Imagine: a curated feed that comes to you, with only the best content, from sources you never knew about, that you can actually get through each morning without losing half your day…

We know, we're excited too 🥺

What can I expect?

Starting Ash Wednesday, we will release daily, hand-picked, bite-sized roundups of the inspiring works of countless Catholic creators the world over. Expect to see prayers, reflections, devotionals, sacred art, quotes, testimonies, podcasts, videos and more!

Where possible, we will do our best to keep the experience "in house" so as not to link you out to social media platforms that could trigger a binge tangent (we've all been there 😬). Exceptions might include things like "related videos" at the end of a YouTube video (stay strong—you don't have to click it this Lent 💪)!

What's in a name?

When we picture all the amazing content and works, we can't help but draw imagery from a vineyard. These creators, influencers and ministries are laborers in the field and are working tirelessly to bear good fruit for the culture. We want to "Harvest" these fruits so that you may be filled by them, may discover the laborers behind them, and may go bear fruit yourself! 🍇

Can I be in The Harvest?

If you are a creator/writer/bearer-of-fruit of any kind, we'd love to hear from you! We will be picking-as-we-go this Lent to keep things fresh, so it's not too late to be featured! There will also be opportunities for subscribers to submit responses to questions (i.e. prayer intentions) that may be highlighted throughout Lent.

Ok, I'm convinced. Now what?

Great! If you've not already done so, simply tap the "Subscribe" button in the bottom-right (if it's not there, that means you're already subscribed)!

We look forward to journeying with you this Lent on The Harvest and sharing with you some of the best fruits the Church has to offer 🍇